If you would like to find out more about how we can tailor our services to meet your needs, please contact us via the email address or telephone number below.

We’ll help you review where you want to go and how you plan to get there. Contact us if you’d like to discuss what we can do.

To do this, we can offer one of more of the following:

1. Overall Strategy

We’ll meet with you and discuss your options, review your current situation, then have a think, do some research and draft a way forward. You may want follow-up sessions with the rest of your team, to get their input.

2. Business Plan

We’ll develop the Strategy into a fully-fledged formal plan toward a sustainable future, taking on board anticipated issues and challenges.

3. Fundraising Strategy

We’ll identify potential funders, donors, sponsors – even social investors if you wish – or potential options for the sales of goods or services, researching which look most feasible for your group or a project, then tailoring a fundraising strategy to maximise revenue.

4. Developing policies

Your group may need help in preparing and drafting suitable policies, for example regarding equality and diversity, equal opportunities, environment; safeguarding; data protection: whatever the subject we can help you create it.



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